Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yeah, I Wrote This

Published in The Chick Lit Review May/June 2009, a site that is unfortunately going offline in October.  I won't take it personally.

The gray fabric wall loomed up between them as it always did.  Gray and suffocating without the slightest intention of turning into an escape route to the outside world or at least some sort of screen where she could maybe watch some television.  The Price is Right would be nice.  It was about 11:00 a.m. and there would be a fresh new set of contestants who had the day off from work, or were unemployed, or were just plain lucky to be there, ready to bid on canned vegetables and fabric softener, and not stuck in here.  Here being an office on the 13th floor of a building in a city whose name does not particularly matter.  The name of the company does not particularly matter either as they are all very generic, with their cubicle walls that loom and refuse to turn into televisions or escape routes.  From within a cubicle Bridget Baxter-McSweeney tipped an entire cardboard box of paper clips into her hand, stood up, and poured them over the wall.  Click here to read the rest while you still can...